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Bravo on the coast of the Caspian Sea!

August 12 was the Day of Environmental Protection of the Caspian Sea, the world's largest closed water basin. Today, the BRAVO team took it upon themselves to clean the seashore.

It should be noted that in this year's strategy of the BRAVO market chain, CSR projects aimed at supporting environmental problems have a large place. The Caspian Sea Protection Day project is part of that strategy.

The project aims to contribute to the cleaning of the shores of the Caspian Sea and the preservation of its ecological balance. Preventing pollution of coastal zones, ensuring environmental health and strengthening the ecotourism potential of this region are the main goals of the project.

On the eve of the COP29 conference, which is in the center of attention of the world community, where the importance of fighting against global climate changes is emphasized, the BRAVO market chain has set the main goal of implementing such projects.

During this year, as a result of the projects carried out so far, the BRAVO market chain has contributed to the collection and transportation of more than 1 ton of plastic boxes and about 2 tons of other waste.

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